Friday, 20 May 2016

Sharing the Learning

Today we went to Room 7 to share our learning across the classrooms. I was very proud of everyone who shared, supported and listened to others in their learning.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Brighter Money

Monday 2nd May

Have you seen our new money? It's pretty flash! Visit the Brighter Money Website to find out the ins and outs of our LEGAL TENDER.


On padlet # 2 share in your learning teams 'What is new learning for you? and What does it make you want to find out about?

Brighter Money Kahoot

Create a digital learning object about your new learning (a kahoot perhaps?)

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Money, Money, Money

Monday 2nd May

With PrEP this term, it's a good time to get our finances in order! First things first though. What do we know about our New Zealand Currency?

THINK, PAIR & SHARE in your LEARNING TEAMS and complete the ignition padlet. Don't to forget to mark off the job as 'COMPLETE' if you want to be PAID!!! (huh?)