Monday, 24 March 2014

Homelearning Wk8

Hello all. Welcome back to a new week! Its a busy week as we get ready for the GMS family fiesta. Notices about cupcakes went home on Friday. A big thanks to Ittai, who noticed links that weren't working straight away last Monday. Any emails you send go to my phone, so I was able to deal with it there and then.

Here are this week's links

This weeks Reading/Science work requires you to read and problem solve. The images are of leaves from five different types of beech tree. A key needs to be used to identify which type of beech tree each leaf comes from. Good luck.

There were a few "issues" around the images on the .doc last week. Don't forget there are MANY ways to skin a cat and you should all be able to problem solve it out if it happens for you again. Printing it off  'old-school' style is always do-able. There shouldn't be any excuses...

Beech Trees
Beech Trees (response form)


Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Spelling response form

Login to maths buddy and find you home learning for the week. Make sure you are recording the evidence of the work by uploading the PDF of the results to your drive.

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