Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Home Learning Wk2

I think the run of good weather we have been having may be coming to an end...I hope you all had a good weekend anyway.

Don't forget to hand in your skiing notice ASAP please.

Here are this weeks home learning links



Continue to focus on an area of need (as identified from your report). Find the task that you need to complete and go for it! Make sure you put the evidence in your Drive. Or if you are beginning a new area of study, complete a comprehensive test and ring the evidence to Mr Wood to put in the maths report folder


Last week we began work on adverbs. Here's another wee activity. DON'T FORGET TO MAKE A COPY STRAIGHT AWAY. File in SPELLING please! 

Monday, 21 July 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back. It's been great to have such nice weather. Long may it continue. There are LOADS of cool things this term to look forward to, like: PrEP, SKIING & The ART SOIREE. This Friday we even have our own COM GAMES happening. By the way...I noticed that I still have an awful lot of skking notices still on the pile! They were there Wk 8 last term! If you want to go, get organised!

Here's this weeks links


Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

Spelling Response form


Last term I shared a google doc with you that linked all the things you need to do in maths (for your report) to get some more 'green'. Have a go one of those activities. Don't forget to save the evidence in your drive. Perhaps make a folder called Maths Report evidence.