Monday, 26 May 2014

Homelearning Wk 4



Go to maths buddy and complete speed skills


Friday, 23 May 2014

Book Character Assembly

I love it when the 'seniors' dress up and not take themselves too seriously. I was very proud of you all for putting in the effort. If I had to give a prize to my favourite, then I'd have to say 'Jack, you were awesome!"


Josh as Shrek

Ella as Count Olaf

Kaedyn as an Army Dude

Marz as Prince Caspian

Caleb as Carl from the Walking Dead

Kaha as Maori Smurf!

Megan as Veruca Salt

Jayni-Rose, Bram, Ella, Catherine and Jordi

Random B-Ball Dudes


Luke as Percy Jackson
Spot the crazy one...
Jack as Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
Libby as The Butterfly from the Very Hungry Caterpillar
Go Ahead Jojo...make my day!

Where's Jayni?
Holmes and Watson I persume?

Monday, 19 May 2014

Planner and Links

Righto troops...there is a lot to read here...take your time... it is all you'll need for the next couple of days. If you don't understand...ask.  You'll need to show perseverance, motivation and inspiration this week.


I have included a blank planner. Make your own copy, post it to your writing folder (even though it will include maths, and topic-its got to go somewhere!). Make sure that what ever you decide to work on, document it. Write down what it is (oral language, writing, reading, maths, etc...) and decide what it is you are learning, or wanting to learning (which becomes your W.A.L.T) and write that down as well. When i get back, we'll talk about what worked well and what didn't. Don't worry about making mistakes!

Planner link


If you go to the Something to Say blog you'll find all the literacy links you'll need for the next couple of days for reading/writing and oral language. Because I am so nice I am giving you options. You can pick and choose what you'd like to do, but you must plan. Also...if you feel like blogging, blog! Don't forget that you don't always have to blog on your own about commenting on someone else's? For example, check out this moment in time from Hannah's blog. What a great visual, and in only 3 sentences! Have a go yourself!

Wondering what a piece of writing is supposed to include? Use this link to the Structure and Language notes. Its a bit 'Teachery',(made up word alert!) but it may be useful.

Argument writing GUILTY or INNOCENT? This is going to become a speech (or at least a practice one). I have included lots of links, rubrics and a SOLO marking guide. Use them!

The Literacy Shed. An amazing website with lots of ideas to inspire. Most of these are short videos. You may find something exciting to write about.  My favourite...

Memory The other day we began a small peiece of writing about a memory. You could continue on with that. He is a link to a sightly different piece.

50 word story.There is no SOLO rubric for this one. Your WALTS would be the ideas in the bullet points for this activity.

Absolute nonsense


You are already very successful at this, in filling in your own 'gaps' and working forward. I have stop giving you tasks because you are doing it for yourselves. Please continue. Don't forget that 1 1/2 hrs is a long time to be hunched over a laptop working. Have a 5 min break and refresh. Plan what you are doing and post evidence to your drive. 

Genius Hour

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon you can begin your genius hour presentations. Last term you filled in a form that told me what you wanted to do. Have another look at it. Decide on a topic (or someone else's) and go for it. It needs to be 'gutsy'. I don't want a bunch of presentations with pictures of your favourite team and a list of boring facts.. (snoozefest!). This is your chance to do a 'project' on something you've always wanted to do. It needs to excite you. These are individual works-please don't work with anyone else. 

The Playin' in the Sandpit (Genius Hour) form

Have fun. Play nice! See you Thursday.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Home Learning Wk 3

Righto troops. I hope you enjoy your break away from me! I will be back on Thursday. This week there will be school wide jump jam. Hopefully the weather is not too rotten and you can get outside to do it. Please all join in and model for the juniors. They look up to you and will copy you.

Please don't forget to login to both chrome and drive. That way I can help out if you need me...just flick me a message.

Here are this weeks homelearning



Continue to work on your speed skills/basic facts (maths buddy link now top right)


Here's a poem I found that I thought you might like. The task requires you to spot certain words, rhyme and alliteration. If you can't remember what alliteration is click on this link . Scroll down to where is says How to identify alliteration.

Make sure you take a copy and put it in your 'Home Learning' folder . Work straight on the doc. 

Thursday, 15 May 2014


Over the last couple of days, we have been throwing together our 'turn-a-book-into-a-movie' movie. Its very "loosely" based on 'No David!', by David Shannon.

It was a lot of fun to make and considering that that Kaedyn didn't really want to do it, it think he did amazingly.

Thanks a lot to Room 15 who helped out with the "NO, KAEDYN's".

Thanks also to Kaedyn's 'stunt double' Libby and to everyone else that helped us put the movie together.

NO KAEDYN, NO! from Stephen Wood on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Wednesday's Programme

Hi everyone,

Cherie's Mum has been taken ill (and as yet I will still be here tomorrow), but if anything should happen I may need to go to Nelson and therefore not be in class for a couple of days. If that's the case then I will detail here the plan for the next couple of days just in case. I may not need to go to Nelson, but here is the plan anyway

Yesterday, while many were out of the class for League and Arts talented, we trialed letting everyone plan out their day. Its something we may continue to do, but for tomorrow (if I am not there we'll just stick to the normal routine.

Here is a link to the planner 

When writing your arguments, make sure you use the "Something to Say" blog link on the side it has your SOLO rubric of what you need to achieve and what the structure and language of an argument should look like. It has lots of other useful planning links on it as well.

Don't forget early lunch tomorrow because of Tech.

If i need to i will make new posts each day to detail your work. MAKE SURE YOU SIGN INTO CHROME AS WELL. That way i can help you if i need to (and spy on you off course!)

Mr Woo

Monday, 5 May 2014

Science Projects

WALT: plan and carry out a scientific experiment.

Success Criteria: SOLO Rubric
  1. Analyse whether out experiment was a fair test
  2. Analyse whether our findings were reliable and valid  
Last term we started our science project investigations. This term we are going to carry these out and write them up. These experiments need to be completed in one day, so you'll need to be all prepared and ready to go THIS FRIDAY.

All that needs to be completed before then is the 'recipe' (the question, list of materials and procedure)

Here are two photos that may help. The first photo explains what need to be included, and the other demonstrates the standard of presentation.

Make sure you figure out how you are going to measure your results

What to include in your science project

A good standard of presentation

Useful Links

Self Assessment
SOLO exploring
SOLO Planning an investigation
SOLO fair test

Teacher Bit!

L4 Nature of Science. Investigating in Science 1 & 2

  • Students will build on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others' knowledge
  • Ask questions, find evidence, explore models, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations. 

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you didn't sustain too much damage at home on the last day of last term. This term is going to be a cracker! We have a strong science focus this term, as well as oral language. Speeches are later in the term everyone is welcome to come and listen. Here are the usual links.


Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

Spelling response form



Login to maths buddy and find you home learning for the week. Make sure you are recording the evidence of the work by uploading the PDF of the results to your drive.